unTamed is just about done - hallelujah!
Final edit copy is on its way to me.  As soon as I'm done with that, it'll be available to the public through Lulu.com and Barnes & Noble and Amazon.  Look for it soon!

I'm also well under way with writing book 3, unTouched.  I, personally, love the witches stories in this one!  Can't wait!
I finally finshed writing, or rather, re-writing what I'd lost for unTamed...AND...it's done.  The first draft is done, anyway.  I have to finish typing up the last of it and it's on to my wonderful editor, Alison Dew.  So cross your fingers -
unMarked hasn't done so bad.  I'm very proud of it regardless.  I've had a rough time writing unTamed.  I finally wrote a lot over the past week and I was so proud of it.  Then my hard drive went ape fool stupid and deleted all but the first six chapters.  I honesly had a mini-meltdown and cried like a baby.  I'm still hoping more of it can be recovered but at this point...I'm just so drained.  I really hope to be able to still release it in July. 

I did my first magazine article for Sumter Living Magazine and that was a lot of fun.  It was more about the art of writing, more so than unMarked or unTamed.  But really, isn't that what it's all about?  Wouldn't it be great if we could all get paid to write and live off that alone?  To be so lucky...

Well...it'll all work out, right?  Gotta stay positive and keep on trucking!
So, it's been about a year since I started really hard core writing unMarked.  It has been enlightening, heart breaking, awe inspiring and eccstatically (if that's even a word) anticipated to say the least.  In July I received my first hand held version of the book and I took it with me on a week long vacation to the beach.  I spent that week ripping it to pieces and re-writing whole chapters.  (It felt so sacreligious to actually write inside of a book; like a very stern librarian would jump out at me and scold me for such a thing.) But I resubmitted the finished work at the beginning of August and received confirmation today that a new copy was being shipped.  And now, FINALLY, it is available for purchase through lulu.com in both hand held (traditional) and e-book format.  I waffled for a long time deciding on if e-book was something I wanted but I finally decided I would have to get with the times and accept that a lot of books are being read this way these days.  So I guess my first purchase (if I make any money) should be a Kindle so I, too, can be up to date on the world.  With any look the formatting will be done soon so that the book will be available through Amazon and Barnes & Noble.  I've enjoyed working with self-publishing with Lulu (it's so easy!) and I definitely recommend self-publishing now.  It's a lot of work and a lot of stress but I feel like I own every single syllable of that book.  At the end of September I hope to throw a big book launch party and properly thank those that have helped me so much through this process.  unTamed, the second book is about half way done and if I can get ready for the new school year (both my classes and my child's step up into 1st grade) then I'll make some time to finish it.  So, it's been about a year...and more to go!
Book 1 is done.  And sent off to an agent in hopes of representation!  Keep you fingers crossed!
It's new year's eve and I'm looking forward to just being at home with my closest friends and rining in a new year.  I never make resolutions for the new year because I feel like I'm just too random and always changing what I want and how I want to achieve things.  But if I had to make one it would be to write what I love and love what I write.  Success, I'm noticing, is seeing the acceptance of my work in the faces of friends and family.  That's important.  I want to remember that.  So happy new year to you
Christmas is one day gone and my daughter has now lost both her front teeth.  It may be a day too late to sing "All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth" but it's still cute none the less.  I've written more, edited more and survived Christmas all in one week's time.  Imagine what another week might bring.
Well...it has been brought to my attention (and I'm starting to be swayed) that publishing in e-book format, at least in the beginning, is not a bad idea.  I'm realizing that this whole thing is going to take a lot of self promotion and it will be easier to get my foot in the door of the writing world by allowing my book to be publishing in that manner.  With that said, I'm considering smashwords for publication.  Wish me luck!  On a personal note - with the holiday season right here, it's sad to say that you really start to find out who your true friends are and it's really surprising to realize you've been wrong about people you trusted.  Which only makes me think...I really need to write a thank you and acknowledgement page for my book to thank the real peop
Yes, I do!  Unmarked, the first book in The Sons of Kerry series.  One step closer, right?  Keep those fingers and eyes crossed for me!
I am learning that I am very very very much more very green at this whole writing thing than I thought.  Don't get me wrong.  I think I've made huge leaps and I'm so excited to be at a point where I'm proof reading and adding details to my very first full length story.  It's still not as long as it probably should be for publishing but I just don't want to over burden a story with words when it just doesn't need them.  I'm going to cross my fingers and hope that someone wants to publish a series of shorter stories.  And I really, really hope I find someone who wants to publish it in a hand-held, old school, real book version instead of an e-book.  Not that it wouldn't be wonderful that way, too.  I guess it's just a dream to hold my book in my hands.  Keep your fingers crossed.