unMarked hasn't done so bad.  I'm very proud of it regardless.  I've had a rough time writing unTamed.  I finally wrote a lot over the past week and I was so proud of it.  Then my hard drive went ape fool stupid and deleted all but the first six chapters.  I honesly had a mini-meltdown and cried like a baby.  I'm still hoping more of it can be recovered but at this point...I'm just so drained.  I really hope to be able to still release it in July. 

I did my first magazine article for Sumter Living Magazine and that was a lot of fun.  It was more about the art of writing, more so than unMarked or unTamed.  But really, isn't that what it's all about?  Wouldn't it be great if we could all get paid to write and live off that alone?  To be so lucky...

Well...it'll all work out, right?  Gotta stay positive and keep on trucking!